
Diogenes' statue
Diogenes and his dog

That guy there, the stone one, is Diogenes, the great philosopher and founder of Cynic philosophy. He was born here in Sinop, where I’ve been lazing at the beach since yesterday. The sign at the bottom of the statue says something in Turkish that I don’t completely (or even start to) understand and then gives in English his most famous quote, something in the lines of « would you mind stepping a bit to the left, you are blocking the sun ».

Not bad for a great philosopher, who said they spent all their time thinking about the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything? (the answer is 42, btw). No, they also spent time working their suntan. And when Alexandre the Great met Diogenes, he was so thrilled that he asked what, in his all-powerful greatness, he could do for Diogenes. Guess what the philosopher’s answer was? Right!

I also went into town this evening. Now I can confirme it, Turkish people really love to go out. It’s only Tuesday and admittedly we are at the seaside but the town was full of people walking around and sitting at bars having dinner and drinks. There was even a « game » bar where everyone was playing a game with numbered tiles (like rummy, burako or mahjong).

Game bar
People playing at the game bar

Une réponse sur “Diogenes”

  1. Just one word: « wow ».
    As i told you yesterday, just keep in mind you are making the same journey as Alexandre, but instead of Bucefalo you have your tenere.

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